Author/Editor: Francesca Vailati, Urs Belser
Издадена: септември 2022 г.
Издателство: Edra Publishing
Език: Английски
Книга, твърди корици, 22х28 см, 552 страници
Цена: 498 лв.
Извадка на линка
How to “jump” in a full-mouth rehabilitation? Are we ready to leave the comfort zone of the “single tooth dentistry”? It is a different world… If we decide to do it. So many questions to be answered… How can we convince the patient to accept a more global rehabilitation? How can we plan the sequences of the appointments without remakes and waste of time? How can we guide the laboratory technician in developing a customised full-mouth project? Can we do first a reversible test drive of the project? The 3STEP has the answers to all these questions. The 3STEP is an non invasive functional and esthetic stabilization of the mouth. The 3STEP is based on a "protocol" that has been clinically validated for more then 15 years on a large number of patients and with a high success rate. The secret of its value is based on: the attention to the diagnosis of the problem; a strict clinical and laboratory operative sequence; an absolute "trust" in adhesion; the occlusal adjustments based on chewing. The 3STEP isn't just a technique, it is a method, a method that becomes a discipline. The 3STEP is the new way of doing Prosthodontics. Its ambition is to become the starting point of every multidisciplinary approach, involving orthodontics, aesthetics, implantology, etc., from simple to complex prosthetic rehabilitations
Who I am V
Foreword by Mirela Feraru VI
Foreword by Ignazio Loi VII
Introduction X
If you wonder why… XIV
In this book... XV
What to look for The global diagnosis of tooth wear
Dental wear and ageing
Dental erosion
Anterior clinical erosive (ACE) classification
Anterior functional conflicts (AFC)
Nobrux classification
Chewing patterns and gtest
Tooth wear therapy yes or no?
How to start? The initial consultation – persuasive and efficient
How to do? Functional and esthetic stabilization of the patient
The 3STEP technique
Control visit the follow-up
Step 3. The Anterior Adhesive Additive Restorations (A3Rs)
Lab step 3. Fabrication of the A3Rs
How to plan a digital 3STEP
The 3STEP control on the digital workflow
What next. The completion of the full-mouth rehabilitation
After the provisional 3STEP
Follow the finger
The cards
Clinical, Laboratory, Digital
3STEP не е просто техника, това е метод, който се превръща в дисциплина. 3STEP е новият начин за извършване на протезиране. 3STEP може да се превърне в отправна точка на всеки мултидисциплинарен подход, включващ ортодонтия, естетика, имплантология и др., от прости до сложни протетични рехабилитации.