Esthetics in Function: Integrating Occlusal Principles into Smile Design

Книги, списания и мултимедия » Aesthetics - Естетика » Esthetics in Function: Integrating Occlusal Principles into Smile Design

Author/Editor: Marcelo A. Calamita

Coauthors: Alexandre Carvalho Teixeira; Christian Coachman; Eduardo Fregnani; Felipe Miguel Pinto Saliba; Guilherme Cabral] José Roberto Santana de Moura Junior] Wanessa Miranda-Silva

Издадена: 11/2023
Издателство: QP Deutschland
Book, Hardcover; 23 x 31 cm, 648 pages, 1490 illus
Език: English
Раздели: General Dentistry, Esthetic Dentistry, Functional Therapy, Restorative Dentistry, Prosthodontics
Извадка на ПДФ-файл: ТУК
Stock No: 24181
Цена: 380 лв. /до изчерпване на количествата/

The esthetic harmony and effectiveness of occlusal function are integrated and are in constant movement in the search for balance. This book, written by a top expert in the field, is about the preservation and enhancement of smile esthetics. The richly illustrated content aims to enhance the clinician’s understanding of the static and dynamic principles that act on a patient’s stomatognathic system.

The main themes of the book – treatment planning and occlusion – are inseparable factors for the success of every restorative treatment. It is only from a complete understanding of the varied and complex relationships between these aspects that the clinician can diagnose and treat a patient with a pragmatic and effective long-term approach.

In a clear and uncomplicated manner, the book presents protocols containing all the relevant aspects related to the topic so that excellent results can be obtained with consistency and predictability. The content is based on an extensive literature review and contains the best-quality scientific evidence available at the time of publication, accompanied by the author’s valuable commentary and notes.



Part 1. The Treatment Planning Process

Chapter 01. Anamnesis

Chapter 02. Clinical Examination

Chapter 03. interdisciplinary Treatment Planning

Chapter 04. Selection of Restorative Material

Chapter 05. Treatment Plan Presentation

Chapter 06. Control and Maintanance

Part 2. Esthetics and Function

Chapter 07. Introduction to Functional Occlusion

Chapter 08. Mounting on a Semi-Adjustable Articulator

Chapter 09. Maxilomandibular Relationship

Chapter 10. Functional Guidance

Chapter 11. Vertical Dimension of Occlusion

Chapter 12. Occlusal Plane

Chapter 13. Occlusal Adjustment

Chapter 14. Stabilizing Interocclusal Splint

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