Interdisciplinary Esthetic Dentistry: The Big Picture

Книги, списания и мултимедия » Aesthetics - Естетика » Interdisciplinary Esthetic Dentistry: The Big Picture

Author/Editor: Eric van Dooren; Florin Cofar; Victor Clavijo; Gustavo Giordani; Venceslav Stankov

Издание: 1-st Edition 2024
Издателство: QP France
Book, 3 books in a slipcase; 30 x 23 cm, 1232 pages, 2300 illus
Език: English
Раздели: Esthetic Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Implantology, Periodontics
Stock No.: 24121
Цена: 720 лв.

Разгледайте повече за всяка една от частите: book 3; book 2; book 1

Eric van Dooren's new book, produced in collaboration with Florin Cofar, Victor Clavijo, Gustavo Giordani and Venceslav Stankov, explores the intersection between conventional esthetic dentistry and the digital world. Eric van Dooren, regarded as one of the world's leading periodontists, shares the knowledge he has accumulated over the course of his career and highlights the digital protocols that improve and enhance esthetic treatment results.

The book examines the fields of fixed prosthetics, implantology and periodontics from an esthetic angle. The authors provide keys to simple and complex esthetic treatments, whether performed with analog or digital protocols. An entire volume is dedicated to orthodontic treatments and their harmonious integration into the treatment plan. Finally, the last volume focuses on implant-prosthetic treatments and the frequent interventions they require.

Price: 720.00 BGL

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