The Lean Dental Office: Run your practice like the best companies in the world

Книги, списания и мултимедия » General Dental Medicine - Обща дентална медицина » The Lean Dental Office: Run your practice like the best companies in the world

Authot/Editor: Andrea Faggian
with the collaboration of Stefano Gracis and Diego Capri

Издадена: 1-st Edition 2024
Издателство: QP Italy
Book, Softcover; 15.5 x 23 cm, 176 pages, 46 illus
Език: English
Раздели: Practice Management, Dental Team
Stock No: 24471
Цена: 70 лв.

Technical expertise, passion, and altruism are essential for working in the field of dentistry, but they are not enough to address the complexities that arise on the entrepreneurial side, which can ultimately compromise the professional and personal quality of life of practice owners. The Lean Dental Office is a revolutionary manual for managing dental practices, born from in-depth research in managerial leadership and the most advanced production processes. This book applies the application of the most effective organizational thinking tools, previously used only in major global corporations, to this specific clinical field. It helps increase profits while simultaneously reducing errors, stress, and work hours. This challenge, which may seem impossible at first glance, has already been successfully met by numerous practices that have relied on the support of Andrea Faggian and a scientific committee of renowned professionals who have embraced his method and are dedicated to spreading it. In The Lean Dental Office, Andrea Faggian, together with colleagues Stefano Gracis and Diego Capri, guides dentists for the first time through the discovery of a broad-spectrum methodologic approach, capable of combining clinical excellence with technologic advancement. It presents an integrated system of theory and practice that enhances the efficiency and satisfaction of every party involved—from close collaborators to patients—enabling efficient work and a better quality of life.


Chapter 01. Dental Practices and Business Consulting

Chapter 02. From Problems to Solutions

Chapter 03. The Toyota Temple

Chapter 04. The First Steps

Chapter 05. Standardized Work as a Starting Point

Chapter 06. Continuous Improvement: The Fundamentals of Kaizen

Chapter 07. Developing Skills to Feel Comfortable in Uncertainty

Chapter 08. Balancing Workloads: Heijunka

Chapter 09. Doing the Right Things at the Right Time: Just in Time

Chapter 10. Basic Techniques to Achieve Just in Time With Ease

Chapter 11. Maintaining Work Efficiency Regardless of People’s Reliability: Jidoka

Price: 70.00 BGL

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