Author/Editor: Andreas Alt; Bernard C. Kolster
Издадена: 1-st Edition 2021
Издателство: KVM Verlag
Book, Softcover, 14 x 19,8 cm, 190 pages, 50 illus
Език: German
Раздели: Patient Education, Physiotherapy, Guide Health & Medical Science
Title No: 30298
Цена: 30 лв.
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In this book, the authors show readers who are plagued by back pain amazingly simple ways to minimize their discomfort and take an active role in their therapy. The book contains everything required for back pain sufferes to treat their back pain on their own and to eliminate or decisively alleviate it in the long term – from simple self-assessment to an individual exercise program and practical implementation. In addition, the book’s focus on the modern lifestyle demonstrates ways to counteract habits that cause back pain. In addition, the book contains support materials such as video sequences of the exercises and PDF formats of the self-assessment and exercise programs, which can be accessed via QR codes.
Die Funktionen des Rückens
Die drei Wege zur nachhaltigen Schmerz und Beschwerdefreiheit
Dein Werkzeugkasten
Das Schmerzprogramm
Das Funktionsprogramm
Das Verhaltensprogramm
Die Übungen